
Stock your store with packing boxes for summer movers

They say that moving home is up there as one of the most stressful things a person can do.

But that’s not just something people say by the way – there are legitimate statistics to back it up.

A 2015 study from energy provider E.ON found that moving home was considered more stressful than heartbreak! This research found that 6 in 10 people found moving home to be their most stressful life event.

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Heat sealer and packaging – the perfect match

Macfarlane Online aims to provide the kind of packaging solutions that can help make things far easier for businesses across all industries.

Our range has been put together in order to provide flexibility, ease of use and value for money for our customers.

As part of this ambition, we have a selection of polythene packaging products that can help protect all manner of items and products while in transit.

To keep these polythene packaging products secure, the best way of sealing things up is with our range of heat sealers at Macfarlane Online.

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Eco-friendly packaging from Macfarlane Online

Did you know we save 17 trees for every tonne of paper we recycle?

If every person in the UK recycled just 10% more paper, this number could grow to over five million trees a year.

Paper is in fact one of the most commonly recycled materials on the planet, therefore, it comes as no surprise paper packaging is gaining popularity among environmentally-conscious customers.

At Macfarlane Online, we can offer a wide range of sustainable packaging solutions to help our customers meet their environmental and corporate responsibility goals.

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